A Fresher’s Reception Program, Spring & Summer 2021 of the Department of Islamic Studies successfully held on the 29th August 2021 at 7:30 pm. on zoom platform. Honourable Vice-Chancellor (in-charge) Prof. Shamsun Nahar was as the Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. M. Abdul Halim Shaikh, dean faculty of Management and General Studies, and Dr. Par Mosiur Rahman, Registrar were as special guest. The program was moderated by Mohammad Kamaluddin, Lecturer & Coordinator department of Islamic Studies.
The program was started by the recitation of Holy Quran by Md. Shafiq Ullah, student of 2nd semester. Md. Ishaque, Asso. Prof., Head of department and chairperson of that program welcomed everybody and delivered his opening speech. Mohammad Kamaluddin, Lecturer & Coordinator, introduced all faculty members, highlighting their academic career. Fresher’s expressed their feelings to be a student of Islamic Studies department of Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology. They also thanked to concern for arranging such type of program. Abdullah Al Mamun Al Azhari, Lecturer & Student Advisor, spoke to introduce all departments and programs of the University. He also mentioned students related disciplinary matters. Dr. Md. Mohsin Uddin, Asso. Prof. and Faculty member of Islamic Studies, gave motivational speech on academic development.
The special guest Dr. Par. Mosiur Rahman, Registrar, gave valuable instructions to the students. The another special guest Prof. Dr. M. Abdul Halim Shaikh, dean faculty of MGS, emphasised on learning Islamic education and gave his valuable advices to students. The chief guest Prof. Shamsun Nahar, Vice-Chancellor (in-charge) welcome all students and emphasized on studying regularly. The chairperson delivered his closing speech and lead the D’ua.