Fieldwork is a crucial part of Sociology and Anthropology. It enables students and researchers to examine the way scientific theories interact with real life. To hold the spirit, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology of Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology (SMUCT) organized a fieldwork called Fieldwork Spring 2022 on 9-12 June, 2022. Actually it’s a regular activities as well as a partial fulfillment of our academic requirements. The place of fieldwork was in Panchagarh District of Bangladesh. It was a successful coursework program. All faculty members and around 50 students were attended in the coursework.
The purpose of the fieldwork was to acquire knowledge and insight on the tea laborer and stone colleting workers of the Panchagarh District, along with visit a tea estate.
As part of the fieldwork, students visited a tea estate named Korotoa Cha Karkhana of Moulovipara, Jogodol, Panchagarh. They observed the tea making process and taken in-depth interviews of around 50 laborers of different tea estates. Students also conducted Focus Group Discussions (FGD) of stone collecting laborers.
All the participants of the fieldwork also visited and enjoyed the Banglabandha Zero Point, Historic Moharazar Dighi and Dak Banglo of Tetulia.
The Department has expressed thanks to all the participants and organizers of this fieldwork.