Message from The dean

Dean - Faculty Of Humanities & Social Science
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has been designed to satisfy individual choices of students seeking baccalaureate and graduate degrees with a wide range of knowledge and skills covering the areas of judiciary, government and politics, English, Islamic studies, Sociology and Anthropology and Bangla. By selecting the appropriate field of study, one can choose to build his/her career as being a member of the workforce of different levels in organizations of different types and sizes or he/she may choose to be an entrepreneur in the area of his/her choice.
The faculty members in different departments under the faculty are well qualified. The curricula of different programs are regularly reviewed and updated as and when needed, to make those job-oriented and outcome based, to accommodate to the requirements and trend of the age. The quality of the entire academic process followed in different departments is supervised and controlled rigorously by a skilled quality assurance team to keep the process effective to produce the graduates with the prescribed knowledge, skills and competency. From admission to
graduation, students’ academic progress remains under close observation of the respective Academic Advisors. Graduates are made self-confident to face the challenges of the competitive job market. The ultimate objective of the Faculty is to prepare a class of self-dependent, competent, aggressive and proud individuals for accomplishing various activities of different areas of society and as such, to create productive human resources for the nation and for the countries abroad as well. Some of the programs are conducted in the evening to enable the service holders to acquire higher level academic degrees while working. Through the good offices of the university higher management, the fee structures in different programs are designed to keep them well within the reach of the common people for extending the opportunity for them to acquire the higher level academic degrees.
The faculty members of different departments, in addition to carrying out their teaching jobs, are required to spend their time in doing research and publish their research findings in well recognized peer reviewed international journals to develop their research skills and to be able to be recognized by the international community as well.
Both teachers and students take part in social activities too to be good members of our society.