Message from The dean

Dean - Faculty of Business
At Faculty of Business (FoB) of Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology, we believe that leadership and values are inseparable. The teaching of ethics here is explicit, not implicit, and our community values of mutual respect, honesty and integrity, and personal accountability support the FoB learning environment and are at the heart of a Faculty-wide aspiration: to make FOB a model of the highest standards essential to responsible leadership in the modern business world. Our values are a set of guiding principles for all that we do wherever we are and with everyone we meet.
Our whole pedagogy is dependent on the notion that this is a collective endeavor and that we can’t really accomplish our mission without relying on each other. The curriculum today includes a wide range of courses that deal with the issues of ethics and leadership. For example, Leadership and Corporate Accountability is an interdisciplinary course that draws on economics, law, psychology, and organizational behavior to help prepare students for the challenges of leadership in a changing global society. Leadership and Organizational Behavior focuses on how managers become effective leaders by addressing the human side of enterprise. At present, we are offering BBA and MBA programs with a major in Accounting Information System, Finance and Banking, Human Resource Management, and Marketing. Very soon, we are going to launch Executive MBA program for those who have adequate managerial experiences. Our “Outcome Based Education (OBE)” curriculum in both the BBA and MBA programs can easily make the differences between our graduates from rest of the universities in terms of knowledge and expertise.
The mission of Faculty of Business is to educate leaders who make a difference in the world. Achieving this mission requires an environment of trust and mutual respect, free expression and inquiry, and a commitment to truth, excellence, and lifelong learning. FoB can and should be a living model of these values. To this end, community members have a personal responsibility to integrate these values into every aspect of their experience here. Through our personal commitment to these values, we can create an environment in which all can achieve their full potential.