Most popular university in Bangladesh

Teachers Profile

Adv. Arifa Afroz Smriti


Phone : 01746623422
Details Table
Name: Adv. Arifa Afroz Smriti
Designation: Lecturer
Department: Law
Faculty: Humanities & Social Sciences
Contact Number: 01746623422
Email: [email protected]
Educational Qualifications
Degree Name:


University of Rajshahi
Degree Name:

LL.B (Hons)

University of Rajshahi
Degree Name:


Viqarunnisa Noon College
Degree Name:


Ideal School & College
Skills Table
1. Cyber law & Criminal Law
Publication Details
1. Legacy of Legal Study: University of Rajshahi (BILD Law Magazine; Vol-I, Issue-III, September 2018)
2. Safeguards Against Online Shopping Irregularities in Bangladesh (Bdjls, ISSN 2415-136X; online version October 3, 2018)
3. Cyberbullying and Preventive Measures: Bangladesh in Context (BILD Law Journal, ISSN-L 2518-6523 Vol-IV, Issue-I; April 2019)
4. Navigating Environmental Migration: Legal Frameworks in Bangladesh (IJHSSS; Vol-X; Issue-I; January 2024)
Skills Table
1. Cyber law
2. Environmental law
3. Criminal Law
Achievements Table
1. Scholarship on Higher Secondary Certificate Examination in 2011
2. University Scholarship on Hons Result in 2015
Institute Positions Table
Sl Department Institution Designation Service Period
1 Law Primeasia University Lecturer 2018-2023