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The Department of Law of Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology is committed to provide quality education to the students with a view to building their capability to contribute in the nation building and the achievement of global sustainable development.

M1: The Department of Law of Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology offers the undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in law for the dissemination of legal knowledge by adding value to the existing legal system.
M2: With the assistance of the capable faculty members, the students are able to think critically and analyze statutory laws, case studies, opinions and principles of jurists and philosophers.
M3: By receiving the best possible learning, the students get capable of pursuing a career in law which includes successful lawyers, judges, academics and legal professionals.
M4: The department aspires to prepare competent graduates who will be the responsible citizens of the country creating an advanced, creative and sustainable human community.


  • To provide sufficient knowledge and skills to the students in the field of Law.
  • To enable graduates of the program to be employed in fields relevant to the legal profession such as advocates, judges, notaries, legal consultants, private and public organizations, non-governmental organizations, private companies etc.
  • Upon completion of the program of legal education, students will be model of ethical, responsible, and professional behavior.