Farewell & Dinner Party of AMMT Department

On Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022; Department of Apparel Manufacturing Management & Technology of Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology organized a ‘Grand Farewell Dinner Party’ for students of 32nd batch at the Buffet Times, Uttara. It was a majestic occasion for the coming up graduates. Total 42 students has participated the program. Eminent Artist Prof. Mustafizul Haq, Chairman […]
Fresher Reception Spring 2022 by CSE & CSIT Department

This is an enlightening moment to welcome our fresher’s of CSE & CSIT (spring 2022 batch) to a new milestone and motivate them to build more such milestones is the future. We believe Students who study computer science and engineering they can unlock a world of opportunities for themselves. These are the few fragments of […]
Junior Level Quiz Competition 2022 by CSE & CSIT Department

Computer Science and Engineering is an endless process of learning trial and error to get the right command in the right place, with sometimes just a semicolon making the difference between success and failure. Code breaks and then it falls apart, and it often takes many, many tries until that magical moments are trying to […]