Virtual Freshman Orientation (FDT & AMMT)

Country’s first and leading design university, Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology welcomed their new students of Apparel Manufacturing Management & Technology (AMMT) and Fashion Design & Technology (FDT) Department Since, they have admitted and continued online for Undergraduate Program in Summer 2021 Semester so the arrangement was also in remote due to Covid-19 Pandemic. Both FDT and […]
Orientation of CSE Department

Departments of CSE and CSIT organized an orientation program on 26th August, 2021 for CSE 27th, CSIT 24th and CSE Evening 15th batches on the zoom platform at 7:00PM. In this program, Advisor Madam Arch. Hosne Ara Rahman, Dr. Jebunnahar, Director, IQAC, Syed Jamaluddin Ahmad,Head of the Departments of CSE and CSIT and faculty members […]